Sunday 19 December 2010

A day of French cuisine at Comberton Village College November 6th

“La tarte des soeurs Tatin” or the art of turning a catastrophe into a world-famous culinary masterpiece!

The name of this apple turnover dessert was taken after that of two French sisters who ran a family hotel in rural France by the Loire River in the 19th century. 
Stéphanie the eldest was famous for her cooking but was not the brightest of people. So the story goes, she dropped the apple tart on the kitchen floor!) she put all the ingredients back upside down into the dish and hurried it back into the oven where it caramelised. She then served this improvised dessert warm and covered in cream. All the guests went mad for it.

At our workshop in Comberton Village College in November we rounded up a day of French cooking by attempting this now world famous recipe.  We stopped short of dropping our attempts on the floor before baking them!  See participants comments below:
  • Friendly, informative, helpful tutor.
  • Quiche very good and tarte Tatin superb!
  • Very pleasant atmosphere all day.
  • Altogether it was a fun day.
Join us there next March for more culinary adventures...
In the meantime, have a peep at a video and watch the Tarte Tatin film from Jamie Oliver's website.


  1. Your article on Tarte Tatin is very informative. Things happen by accident sometimes :)

    French course

  2. Your blog is really interesting and this apple turnover dessert looks tasty .Thanks for sharing your experiences. I like french food very much and i have tried many french recipes which i got from youtube, recipe books and many other website. I like visiting French restaurants in weekend.
